Sustainable or Responsible tourism is a type of tourism that takes into consideration the current and future economical, social and environmental impact to satisfy the needs of the tourists, the industry, the environment and the hosting communities.
There are less tourists, which means there are less queues to visit popular attractions, less traffic, more availability in restaurants, accommodation and tickets to special events and shows, and less tourists in the background of your Instagram pictures. [...]
At Fit 2 Trip we want to share with you 7 of the most amazing caves in the world. Most of them can be visited, so don’t miss the opportunity to explore these wonders of nature!
Oktoberfest – Munich, Germany In 1810, a horse race was held to celebrate Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig’s wedding. The jamboree was such a rip-roaring success that it became an annual event and morphed into today’s famously large and ribald party. The horse race was dropped in 1938, because everyone was only interested in one thing: beer. [...]
We can offer travel insurance to customers who have existing medical conditions. We offer coverage for single trips and multi-trips during a period of one year. [...]
Tirana, Albania. The capital of Albania, situated between the adriatic coast and the albanian alps, is an interesting city which has gone through a big transformation in the past years. Albanians are very friendly. You can try their excellent coffee, beer and rakija (a plum brandy), stop and stare at the colorful concrete buildings which add brightness to what was once a rather monochrome cityscape. [...]
Are you ready for Halloween? At Fit 2 Trip we tell you the history of this festivity and recommend you some of the best places to celebrate it.
Unexpected situations can happen even in the apparently safest or quietest destinations. In these cases in which one is in an unknown environment, access to resources in case of emergency can be more complicated, since the health system works differently depending on the country.
Autumn is one of the favorite seasons of many people and we can imagine why. The mild climate, the colorful landscapes and the smell of rain makes it a very magical season. At Fit 2 Trip we want to share with you a list of ten things you can do this Autumn
The number of travellers seeking out dark tourism sites is growing, with sites such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, Chernobyl and the September 11 memorial in New York all reporting record visitor figures in the past year. The success of the recent Netflix series, Dark Tourism, presented by the journalist David Farrier, has also encouraged those interested in the trend to seek out some lesser known destinations.