Traveling with hypothyroidism - 2023 Guide



Are you thinking of traveling with hypothyroidism? Then you must take into account some considerations to ensure a safe trip. Among these indications, one of the most important is to have travel insurance which includes cover for existing medical conditions.

However, people who suffer from hypothyroidism usually have a good quality of life, without major limitations from the point of view of exercise, travel, work activity or diet.

Even during the most active phase of hyperthyroidism, medical treatment may recommend not engaging in strenuous physical exercise, but this does not limit day-to-day activities.

The same thing happens with travel, a some considerations must be taken into account, but traveling with hypothyroidism does not imply any special limitations on the traveler.

In this post, we are going to present you with a guide with recommendations for living and traveling with hypothyroidism avoiding inconvenience arising during the trip or in your daily activities.

What is hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a disorder that results from reduced activity of the thyroid gland, which is located in the neck and whose function is to produce hormones. These hormones control things like how fast your heart beats or how calories are burned.

In other words, the main mission of thyroid hormones is to regulate the metabolic reactions of the human body. For this reason, when there is a decrease in these hormones, as occurs in hypothyroidism, the secretion of thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) increases to recover the normal level of thyroid hormones.

This situation is not achieved because hypothyroidism is already established, causing a general decrease in organic activity that alters most of the body's functions: metabolic, neuronal, digestive, cardiovascular, etc.

What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Although traveling with hypothyroidism does not present major limitations, its symptoms are directly related to a decrease in the functioning of all body systems.

The most frequent symptoms that a person with hypothyroidism can encounter when traveling is tiredness, a strong intolerance to cold, depression, apathy, less concentration and memory capacity, constipation and excessive sleepiness.

In relation to the physical aspect, the traveler may suffer from dry and pale skin, dry and brittle hair, as well as brittle nails and weight gain.

Risk factors for hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a disorder that anyone can have. Likewise, in the early stages it may not cause noticeable symptoms, but if left untreated it can cause major health problems, such as joint pain, obesity, heart disease, among others.

Likewise, there are people who may present greater risks of hypothyroidism, who are:

  • Women.
  • If you are a person older than 60 years.
  • Those people who have a family history of thyroid disease.
  • If you have an autoimmune disease, such as celiac disease or diabetes.
  • If you have received radiotherapy sessions in the upper part of the chest or neck, or if you have received treatments with radioactive iodine or antithyroid drugs.
  • If you have had thyroid surgery.
  • If you have been pregnant or have given birth in the last six months.

2023 Guide to traveling with hypothyroidism

If you are planning a trip or have already decided, it is essential to carry out some basic, but important procedures, so as not to have any surprises if you are going to travel far from home with hypothyroidism.

Traveling after thyroid surgery

If your case is having recently undergone thyroid surgery, it is recommended that patients wait at least a week after surgery before traveling by air.

However, if you have decided to travel with hypothyroidism or after thyroid surgery, there are several things to keep in mind to reduce the risk of developing complications during the trip:

  • Move as much as possible during the trip.
  • Stretch and flex your neck, back, ankles, and shoulders to keep them loose during the ride.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages, as well as stay hydrated.


In addition, if you want to make a safe trip, it is best to take out travel insurance for people with hypothyroidism. At Fit 2 Trip all our policies can provide cover for previous and pre-existing medical conditions.

Traveling with hypothyroidism: what to do once in the destination country

To face a trip with hypothyroidism it is important to follow the medical recommendations, for this, it is necessary to take into account the severity with which it is presented.

If the doctor suggests any medication, you should not forget it, take it with you in your hand luggage and take it as indicated, preferably 30 minutes before breakfast without adding calcium, iron or other vitamins.

Likewise, when traveling with hypothyroidism it is advisable to lead an balanced lifestyle. A diet that reduces the impact of the decrease in the production of hormones with foods with iodine, such as shellfish, eggs or fish, among others.

In the same way, to control hypothyroidism in a natural way, you can accompany in your luggage medicinal herbs such as hypericum, passion flower or cayenne tea to promote hormonal balance and minimize the symptoms of the disease.

Take out your Fit 2 Trip insurance to travel with hypothyroidism

To make a trip with hypothyroidism calmly, you can include a case in your hand luggage with everything you need to keep the disease at bay, but, in turn, taking out travel insurance for people with hypothyroidism is essential to protect your trip and that of your health.

Fit 2 Trip you have at your disposal a travel insurance with previous and pre-existing medical conditions, with different levels of coverage according to the needs that each traveler requires, available both for couples and individual travelers, as well as for groups.
