When it comes to organising family holidays with teenagers, it is important to consider their opinions so dream holidays won’t end up turning into a nightmare.
The following tips will help you organise and have a great trip for everyone:
Plan as a family, taking into account the budget, travel time and personal tastes of each family member, to choose the best destination for all.
Take the opportunity to strengthen relationships: enjoy the time you spend with your teenagers, talk to them and share moments they will remember throughout life.
Give them free time: teenagers enjoy spending time doing their own things or sharing with people their own age, so it is important that during the holidays let them enjoy some of their free time.
Think positive: Teens do not always accept that they are having a good time, so try to show them the fun activities they can do in the holiday destination.
Good communication is key: If you’re travelling with your partner, make decisions together so you do not contradict each other in front of your children.
Remember to buy travel insurance for the whole family and feel protected throughout the trip. Fit 2 Trip specialize in travel insurance for families, children, couples and those with pre-existing health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and cancer. In addition to medical insurance for travel, Fit 2 Trip offer both single trip and cancellation only and multi-risk policies with discounts available for families and couples.