Please, read the previous article first to know under which circumstances you can make a claim.
Different airlines have different procedures for claiming. Some will list email or postal addresses you need to send a written claims letter to, others will ask you to fill in an online claims form. So check what method your airline wants you to use before claiming.
To make a claim you can use a free online reclaim tool or a free template letter, which can both be found here.
You’ll need to submit the passenger details (names, address, email, phone number), flight details (booking reference, flight number, dates, destination and length) and boarding passes and receipts.
Remember to explain what went wrong and state what you want in terms of compensation and/or reimbursement. You can use this link to double-check how far the flight distance was.
In order to be more rigorous with your claim, say that you want compensation under the EC regulation 261/2004.
Remember that it’s the operator of the flight, rather than the firm you booked with, the one responsible when things go wrong.
Note: All the information for this article has been taken from the website Money Saving Expert. For a deep understanding and further questions, you can visit the original article.
To see what Fit 2 Trip’s policies cover regarding this issue, go to pages 21 (Travel delay) and 23 (Missed departure/ missed connection) of Fit 2 Trip’s terms and conditions’ policy.