1. Avoid the aisle seats
Sometimes it is not possible to be able to choose your seat on a flight, however if you do have a choice, avoid the aisle seat. Whilst many will prefer this seat because you can stand up easily, travelling in the aisle seat can increase the probability of infections caused by the bacteria people leave when walking past you as well as the ones that you may get when you go to the bathroom. Surprisingly airplanes are places where you need to be careful where you sit, what you touch and if you do eat, make sure to clean your hands well.
2. Get enough sleep
Usually when you travel abroad the time zone changes and this can change your circadian rhythms as well, the change in our body affects the immunological system. Try to sleep earlier or later depending on the country you are travelling too some days before, if that is not possible try to eat something light and keep hydrated during the flight and avoid alcohol and caffeine. As soon as you arrive at your destination use the sunlight to help you to adapt to the new time zone.
3. Flight anxiety
For some people, flying is not their thing and many suffer from anxiety. A recommended technique for anxiety is to breathe deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth, as this can help you to relax. If by any case you are very anxious and suffer from panic attacks in the air, talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking medicine for anxiety when travelling.
4. First Aid Kit
It is better to be protected when travelling and you can do this with a basic first aid kit including: ibuprofen, paracetamol insect repellent, antibacterial gel, antidiarrheal, adhesive bandages, disinfectant and antibiotic ointment. If you bring any personal medications, store them in your hand luggage instead of having it in your checked luggage; in case you lose your luggage on the way.
5. Choose carefully what you drink and eat
Food can be one of the main factors that make people sick when traveling. Try to get naturally sourced food ensure meat and vegetables are well-cooked, avoid any raw food or dairy products sold in the street. Avoid tap water and try to drink bottled water. Try to avoid eating more than necessary, as your digestion may slow and may make you feel ill.
6. Drink water frequently
Drinking water is very important at anytime, but particularly while travelling or when abroad. Always take a bottle of water and start your day with a glass of water, as this will help you keep healthy and hydrated.
7. Use sun protection
During the summer you should use sunblock to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays; get a proper hat and an umbrella if it is necessary, so you can prevent burns and also the risk of skin cancer.
8. Exercise
It is very important to exercise when you travel as it helps your immune system to work better and release endorphins, which make you feel well. You can exercise easily when you are doing a tour by using a bicycle or walking, if you have a pool you can swim, alternatively you can do Yoga or similar activities during your holidays.
9. Update your vaccines
Before travelling check if you need to have any vaccine for the country or place you are travelling to, if possible visit a doctor in advance so you can check that you are fit to travel and if you require any vaccine or medicine before you go.
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